Friday, February 22, 2008

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Albanian Skenderbeg SS Division

Second World War: Genocide in Kosovo
Albanian Nazi troops in WW2 Launched a Wide Spread Terror Against Kosovo Serbs

The historical and political precedents for the creation of a greater Sqiperia or Greater Albania was set during World War II when the Kosovo and Metohija regions along with territory Southwest of lake Skutari from Montenegro and the western region of Southern Serbia, or Juzna Srbija (now part of Macedonija), were annexed to Albania by the Axis powers led by Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, under a plan devised by Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler to dismember and to destroy the Serbian Nation and people, which the Germans and Italians perceived as the main threat to the axis powers and to the Third Reich in the Balkan.
On April 7, 1939, Italian troops invaded and occupied Albania forcing the Albanian ruler King Zog I Ahmed Bey Zogu, to flee to Greece. Italy formally annexed into the Kingdom of Italy under the Italian king Victor Immanuel and established a military government and viceroy. The Italian began a program to colonize the country when thousands of settlers emigrated to Albania. An Albanian Fascist Party was established with Albanian Black skirts based on Italian models.

The Albanian Army consisted of three infantry brigades of 12 000 men.
On October 28 1940, Italy invaded Greece from Albania with 10 Italian divisions and the Albanian Army but were driven back.
Germany sought to assist the Italian-Albanian offensive by operation Alpine Violet, a plan to move a corps of tree German mountain divisions to Albania by air and sea. Instead German built up a heavy concentration of the German Twelfth Army on the northwest Greek Border with Bulgaria, from where the German invasion was launched.

On April 6, 1941, Nazi Germany and the axis powers invaded Yugoslavia, Operation Punishment, and Greece forcing the capitulation of Yugoslavia on the 17th, and Greece on the 23rd. Yugoslavia was subsequently occupied and dismembered. The Axis powers established a greater Albania or greater Shqiperia at the expense of Serbia and Montenegro. Territory from Montenegro was annexed to Greater Albania. From Serbia, the Kosovo and Metohija were ceded to greater Albania, along with the western part of Southern Serbia (Juzna Srbija), now part of Macedonia, an area which was part of Stara Srbija (Ancient Old Serbia). This Kosovo-metohija region and the surrounding territory annexed to Greater Albania was called "New Albania".
To create an ethnically pure Shqiptar Kosovo, which Albanian called "Kosova", the Shqiptari (Albanians) launched a widescale campaigns of ethnic cleansing and genocide. Ethnic Serbs in the Kosovo-Metohija regions were massacred, and their homes were burned, and survivors were brutally driven out and expelled in policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide.

The Balli Kombetar (BK or National Union) was an Albanian nationalist group led by Midhat Fresheri and Ali Klissura whose political objective was to in incorporate Kosovo-Metohija into a Greater Albania and to ethnically cleanse the region of Orthodox Serbs

The Abanian Committee of Kosovo organized massive campaigns of ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Orthodox Serbian inhabitants of Kosovo- Metohuja. A contemporary report described the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Serbs as follows:
Armed with material supplied by the Italians, the Albanians hurled themselves against helpless settlers in their homes and villages. According to the most reliable sources, the Albanian burned many Serbian settlements, killing some of the people and driving out others who escaped to the mountains. At present other Serbian settlement are being attacked and the property of individuals and of communities is either being confiscated or destroyed. It is not possible to ascertain at the present time the exact number of victims of those atrocities, but it may be estimated that at least between 30.000 and 40.000 perished.
Bedri Pejani, the Muslim leader of the Albanian National committee, called for the extermination of Ortodox Serbian Cristians in Kosovo Metohija and for a union of a Greater Albania with Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Rashka (Sandzak) region of Serbia, into a great Islamic state. The grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin El Husseini was presented to Pejani a plan which he approved as a being in the interest of Islam. The Germans however rejected the plan.

On September 3, 1943, Italy capitulated by signing an armistice with the Allies. The German were now forced to occupy Albania with the collapse of the Italian forces. The Germans sent the 100th Jaeger Division from Greece and the 297th Infantry Division from Serbia and the German 1st Mountain Division to occupy Albania. These troops were organized into the XXI Mountain Corps which was under the command of General Paul Bader.
Additional security forces for the interior were needed, however, to free up Germans troops for defense of the coastline. The decision was made to form an Albanian SS mountain division for this purpose. In April in 1944, recruitment for the Albanian SS division began under direction of the newly formed Albanian Nazi party, which has been formed through the efforts of Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Acting upon instructions of Reichsfuehrer SS Henrich Himmler, the SS main office ordered the formation of an Albanian volunteer mountain division on April 17, 1944. SS Brigadefuehrern and Generalmajor of the Waffen SS Josef Fitzhum, who Headed the Higher SS and Police Command in Albania, oversaw the forming and training of the division.
The SS high Command planed to create a mountain division of 10.000 men. The Higher SS and Police Command in Albania, in conduction with the Albanian National Committee, listed 11.398 possible recruits for the Waffen SS mountain division. Most of these recruits were "kossovars", shqiptar Ghegs from Kosovo Metohija in Serbia. The Shqiptar Tosks were found mainly in southern Albania. Most of the Shqiptar collaborators with the nazi forces were theNazi forces were the so-called Kossovars, ethnic Shqiptars from the Kosmet of Serbia. The Nazi German-sponsored Albanian gendarmes, special police and para-military units were made up by Kossovars. The Kossovars were under the direct control of the Albanian Interior Minister Xhafer Deva.

The Skanderbeg Division was formed and trained in Kosovo and was made up mostly of muslim Shqiptar Kossovars. There were only a small number of Albanians from Albania proper in the division. The Skanderbeg Mountain Division of the Wafen SS was thus essentially a Kosovo or Kosmet Division. The Division was stationed and operated in Kosovo and other Serbian regions almost exclusively.

Of the 11.398 recruits listed for the Division, 9.275 were ascertained to be suitable to draft in the Waffen SS. Of those suitable to be drafted, 6.491 Albanian were chosen and inducted into the Skanderbeg Division. To this Albanian core were added veteran German troops primarily Reichdeutsche from Austria and Volkdeutcshe officers, NCOs, and enlisted men, transferred from the 7th SS Mountain Division "Prinz Eugen" which was stationed in Bosnia-Hercegovina. The Kosovo Albanian 21st Waffen Gebirgs Division der SS "Skanderbeg" consisted in total of 8.500 - 9.000 men of all ranks. The 6.491 Shqiptar recruits were assembled at depots in Kosovo where the formation and the training of the division began.
The official designation for the division was 21 Waffen Gebirgs Division der SS "Skanderbeg" (Albanische Nr 1). The SS Main Office designed a distinctive arm patch for the division, consisting of a black double-headed eagle on a red background, the national symbol of Albania. The word "Skanderbeg", embroidered in white, appeared above the eagle and was warn on the left sleeve. The right collar patch consisted of a helmet with a goat's head on top, the helmet supposedly worn by George Kastrioti Skanderbeg, after whom the division was named. The Shqiptars recruits in the division wore a white skullcap, the national attire of the Shqiptar Ghegs. The SS main office also issued gray skullcaps with the Totenkopf (death's head) insignia sewn on the front below the Hoheitszeichen (the national symbol of Nazi Germany, consisting of a white eagle over a Nazi swastika).

Division was named after George Kastrioti, or Gjergj Kastriota, also as Kastriotis (1405-1468), national hero of Albania, who fought for the Ottoman Turks. As a child, Kastrioti was given as a hostage to Sultan Murat II to be brought as a Muslim at Adrianople (Edrine). Kastrioti became an officer in the Ottoman Turkish army and led the Turkish forces in many victories over Christian troops. Murat II was impressed with his valor and bravery in his battle for Islam and gave him the name Iskander Bey in Turkish, from "Iskander", Aleksander the Great, or prince Aleksander, and "bey", master. The name was shortened to Skanderbeg, beg being the local variant of bey. Later Kastrioti renounced Islam and converted to Christianity and attacked his former Ottoman Turkish masters. He captured the Albanian capital Kroja from the Turkish governor and proclaimed a revolt against the Turks in 1442. Sultan Mohammed II sent Turkish armies to defeat the renegade Kastrioti, but he was able to defeat Turkish forces, wich besieged Kroja but could not capture it. Kastrioti died in 1468. Kroja surrendered in 1479 and the Turks occupied Albania.

The Albanians in the Skanderbeg Division were mostly Muslims, of the Bektashi and Sunni sects of Islam. The division contained several hundred Albanian Catholics, followers of Jon Marko Joni.

The first commander of the Skandereg division was SS Brigadefuehrer Generalmajor of the Waffen SS Josef Fitshum, who commanded the division from April to June 1944. After the Juli 20, assassination plot against Hitler, Fitzhum was appointed supreme commander in Albania. In June, SS Stardentenfuehrer August Schmidhuber was appointed division commander, a post would hold until August 1944. On June 21, 1944, Schmidhuber was promoted to SS Oberfuehrer and later in the war, he would be promoted to SS Brigadefuhrer. SS Oberstrumbannfuhrer Alfred Graf commanded the reorganized remnants of the Skanderbeg Division from August 1944, to may, 1945.

The Shultzstaffel or SS was created in the period 1923-1925 and was initially known as the Stosstrupp (Shock troop) "Adolf Hitler". On Januari 16, 1929, Hitler appointed Heinrich Himmler leader of SS, Reichsfuehrer SS. The SS was envisioned as an elite troop of the Party, a praetorian bodyguard to Hitler and the Nazi leadership. The SS was a formation "composed of the best physically, the most dependable, and the most faithful men in the Nazi movement. In 1940, combat units of the SS were formed, collectively termed the Waffen SS. Approximately 30-40 Waffen SS divisions were formed during the war, divided into three groupings, Waffen divisions made by Germans, those made up of ethnic Germans outside the Reich, and those made up of non-Germans. "Divisions der SS", Divisions of the SS.
On September 27,1939, Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler as Chief of German Police consolidated the Gestapo, Kripo, and SD under an SS Main Office of Reich Security, or the RSHA. The RSHA was the actual body entrusted with the overall administration of the final solution at the Jewish Problem, what became known as the Holocaust. The SS Economic and administrative

Main Office or WVHA, run the concentration camp system. Nazi concentration camp personnel and guards, althout not under the command of the Army or the Kommandoamt der Waffen SS, neverthless, wore Waffen SS uniforms and received Waffen SS paybooks. Reichfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler oversaw a program that resulted in the extermination of millions of men, women and children. Himmler was the Arhictect of genocide and of the Holocaust and the Wafen SS was his "private army", the black angels".

In Jun,1944, The Skanderbeg Waffen SS Mountain Division engaged in large-scale field maneuvers in the area between the towns of Berane and Adrijevica in Monte Negro (Crna Gora). Garrisons of Skanderbeg division were established in Kosovo towns of Pec, Jakova, Prizren, and Pristina. Further training of the division continued in August as new recruits were inducted in the division. An artillery battalion of the division, consisting of two batteries, was located in Gnjilane.

The first major action of the division occurred in August, 144 in Kosovo. In September, 1944, the Skanderbeg division occupied the Southern Serbia (Juzna Srbija) region now part of the communist created republic of Macedonia, and helped to garrison the region. The Skanderberg division was ordered into the areas surrounding the towns Skoplje (or Skopje), Kumanovo Presevo and Bujanovac. Sanderbeg operated in Stara Serbija (old and Ancient Serbia) region, in the towns of Pec, Gnjilane,Djakovica, Tetovo Gostivar, and Kosovska Mitrovica, then part of Kosovo Metohija and Southern Serbia.

In November, 1944, when the German armies in the Balkan were retreating from Yugoslavia and the Balkans, the Skanderbeg division remnants were reorganized into Regimentegruppe 21 SS Gebirgs "Skanderbeg" and was transferred to Skoplje, according to one account of the movements of the Battle group. This SS Kampfgrupe "Skanderbeg", along with the prinz Eugen Divisin, defended the Vardar valley. The battle group "Skanderbeg" and Prinz Eugen held the Vardar area because it was the sole corridor of escape for the retreating German armies in Alexander Loehr's Army Group E, which was retreating from Greece and Aegean Islands.
The Skanderbeg Battle Group along with the Prinz Eugen Division retreated to the to the Brcko region of Bosnia-Herzegovina by mid-january 1945. At this time the remaining Skanderbeg personnel were incorporated into the 14th SS Volonteer Mountain Infantry Regiment of the 7th SS division Prinz Eugen. The remnants of the Skanderbeg Division fought in this formation until the end of the war, retreating to Austria in May, 1945.
The Skanderbeg division engaged in a policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Serbian Orthodox Christian populations of the regions under occupation by the division in Kosovo Metohija, Montenegro, and southern Serbia. Balkan Historian Robert Lee Wolff, in the "Balkans in Our time", described the genocide committed against Kosovo Serbs by the Shqiptar 21st Waffen Gebirgs Division der SS Skenderbeg as follows:

In the regions annexed by the Albanians, their so-called Skanderbeg division, made up of members of the Albanian minority in Yugoslavia, massacred Serbs with impunity.
Historian L.H. Stavrianos, in "The Balkan Since 1453", described the genocide committed against Orthodox Serbs by the Shqiptar Skanderbeg Division in these terms: Yugoslav Albanians, organized in their fascist Skanderbeg Division, conducted an indiscriminate massacre of Serbians.

The Skanderbeg Division played a role in the Holocaust, the genocide if European Jewry, by rounding up scores of Kosovo Jews in a group roughly 500 persons deemed enemies of the Third Reich when the division occupied Prizren in Kosovo Metohija. The division sought to create ethnically pure Kosovo, ethnically cleansed of Orthodox Serbs, Jews and Gypsies the untermenschen (subhuman), who were targeted for extermination.

The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal declared the Shutzstaffel or SS criminal organization and every individual member of SS was found to Be a war criminal guilty of "planning and carrying out crimes against humanity". The Shqiptar Kosovars in the 21st Waffen Gebirgs Division "Skanderbeg" committed war crimes and genocide against the Orthodox Serbian population of Kosovo. The Shqiptar planed and carried out crimes against humanity in Kosovo. Orthodox Serbians of Kosovo were the victims of ethnic cleansing and genocide. This genocide would contribute in the Shqiptar goal and policy to create an ethnically pure, Shqiptar Kosovo, in an attempt to create a greater Shqiperia or greater Albania. Following World war II, the Yugoslav Communist dictatorship allowed the policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Orthodox Serbs to continue, and indeed, gave greater impetus and legitimacy to the policy.

During World War II, the Axis powers dismembered and occupied Yugoslavia and created a greater Albania by annexing the Serbian region of Kosovo-Metohija by Nazi Germany, Germany formed a Shqiptar "Kosovar" Waffen SS Division, the 21st Waffen Gebirgs Division der SS "Skanderbeg" which engaged in a policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Orthodox Serbian population of Kosovo. The result was that the Shqiptars, with the help of Germany, were able to virtually exterminate the Serbian and Jews populations of Kosovo, thereby creating an ethnically pure, Nazi German-sponsored Greater Albania or Greater Shqiperia.

Kosovo: Hundreds of KFOR “protected” churches desecrated since 1999 armed intervention

This is another article on Kosovo, and it won’t be the last. Why? Because what is happening in Serbia right now is a perfect mirror of what WILL happen in Britain, and many other European countries, unless we all wake up, quickly!

Of course, we at the BNP want to give support and encouragement to the Serbian people. For they are as proud of their country, as we are of ours.
But it is also, undoubtedly, in our own interest to bring the truth of what is happening in Serbia to as wide an audience as possible. For this is our future, unless we oust the Quislings from Westminster, and start protecting the indigenous people of Britain from the next Jihad!

May we recommend to anyone seeking an alternative viewpoint to the selective “Serbophobic” pap churned out by the BBC and other British Establishment news agencies that they visit the Serbian government’s official English language news site HERE. We provide this link in the interest of affording some balance in the dissemination of news concerning the injustice recently inflicted on the ancient Christian nation of Serbia by the so-called “International Community”!
Having established a precedent with Kosovo, we can only wonder how long it will be before similar “International Community” backed “states” are established, through force of arms, in Britain and other European countries, having huge and inassimilable “minority” communities?
In addition we also present a video clip showing the destruction of a Serbian church in the district of Podujevo that occurred, we believe, some four years ago when it was then, as it is now, under the “protecton” of the ”International Community’s” KFOR military occupation force! This is certainly not the sort of news coverage you are likely to see on the BBC! View via this link

The same KFOR that is now going to guarantee the safety of Serbs still living in this safe haven for Muslim terrorists. If I were a Serb, in Kosovo, I’d be more than a little concerned!
Even so, we’d better all hope that, KFOR, really does do its job properly. For if they don’t, does anyone seriously expect Russia to merely sit back and watch!

--- source

A New Muslim Nation in Europe?

source: CBN News
By Dale HurdCBN News Senior ReporterThursday, 21 February 2008

Kosovo, a former province of Serbia, caused international furor when it declared its independence this week. While the world community works out the international implications of Kosovo's independence, others are worried about a Muslim-majority state in Europe. The creation of a such a state raises fears of a radical Islamic state that would persecute Christians and become a base for terrorism. Christians Targeted for Almost a Decade Since 1999, the

Orthodox Christian Serb minority has been attacked by the Albanian Muslim population. In 2004, Muslim mobs, angry at the murder of three ethnic Albanians, attacked Serb enclaves, destroying hundreds of churches and monasteries. This week, Kosovo's President Fatmir Sejdiu tried to calm the fears of the Serb Christian minority. "We understand their fear, but there is no reason to fear," he said. "They will be part of the process as they were before." But the Serbs may be targeted more for their Serb ethnicity than their Christian faith. Peter Kuzmic is a

Slovenian Evangelical and human rights advocate. He says Kosovo's Muslims are moderates, who do not want a religious war. "This Kosovo situation is not a question of a religious war. It's not a religious question," he explained. "It's a political question, territorial question and religion is being abused by extremists on both sides." Steven Schwartz of the Center for Islamic Pluralism lived in Kosovo for four years. He says there is religious freedom for all faiths in Kosovo. "It is a majority Muslim country," Schwartz said. "It is also filled with Christian missionaries who have never been molested. I have walked up and down the streets of the main towns and there are Holiness churches and Evangelical churches. These are all new and nobody says a word about it." Targeted By Jihadists? However, some terrorism experts believe Islamic states like Saudi Arabia want to export their strict brand of Wahhabi Islam to Kosovo. They warn that Kosovo's moderate Muslims, angry at high unemployment, organized crime, and drug smuggling, would welcome a Taliban-type rule. Prior to this week's declaration, John Bolton, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, told Russian television that Kosovo is a potential target for takeover by radical jihadists. "I think it's very risky if it's granted recognition by the U.S. and other European countries," Bolton told the Russian interviewer. "I don't think it is economically viable. I think its instability risks attracting Islamic extremists from around the world." But Schwartz says Islamic radicals won't find welcome in Kosovo. Its people are grateful to the U.S. for protecting them. "The bottom line is the Kosovars now have freedom and they have freedom because of the United States," he explained. "And they're not dumb. They're not going to turn to radical Islam." Now the Bush administration is counting on this new Muslim nation to be an ally, not an enemy, in the war on terror. Russia and China have joined Serbia in protesting Kosovo's independence to the United Nations. They say the declaration violates international law.

After Kosovo Independence, Greater Albania is Next Step

After Kosovo Independence, Greater Albania is Next Step

How the US and EU succeeded in paving the way for Islamic terrorism’s surge into Europe by destroying Yugoslavia and conducting an anti-Serb policy

By destroying Yugoslavia and creating a chain of client “Banana Republics” unable to service their own needs and control their own territory, conditions were created for the sudden appearance and malignant growth of various criminal groups, for all kinds of smuggling, and, ultimately, for the nurture and upsurge of Islamic terrorism. By the creation of an Islamic Bosnia and by the forcible extraction of Kosovo from Serbia, ground was cleared for an incursion of Islamic terrorism into Europe. Today, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo have become the centers for the gathering, training and residence of sundry Islamic terrorists on their way to designated targets in various European cities. By conscious design or by accident, the West has thrown the gates of Europe wide open to terrorism, so that the Madrid massacre was the only possible outcome of such policy. Both Europe and America are yet to feel the full impact of terrorist activities which they themselves have sown and fostered. Both in Kosovo and Bosnia a “White Al Qaida” is being created and intensively trained, to provide basic logistics support for future terrorist activities.

Yet, several centuries ago, the Austro-Hungarian Empire protected itself from the Islamic threat by populating its southern borders with Serb yeomen, whose sole duty was to guard the frontiers in exchange for a free military status (as opposed to the feudal bondage of the surrounding Croat population). Today, Serbs have been ethnically cleansed from that territory, as the present-day ethnic map of the former Yugoslavia reveals. A Muslim state has been created in Bosnia, and Kosovo has been taken away from Serbia. This has given rise to the creation of major, interconnected drug and weapons smuggling chains and routes. They also may best be seen by looking at the ethnic map, where blue indicates the areas once populated by the ethnically-cleansed Serbs in Kosovo, central Bosnia and Croatia.

· Route “A” (the Albanian Connection) comprises the main “Highway” going from Albania, through Macedonia, across the practically non-existent frontier to Kosovo, and then to central Bosnia, from where it branches off towards Europe. A part of that route goes across Lake Scutari into northern Montenegro, where it weaves through the Albanian and Muslim-populated regions of Plav and Gusinje, the Slav Muslim town of Rozaje, through the Serbian region of Raska (called by its Muslim population the “Sanjak”, meaning the Ottoman Turk military frontier towards Europe), ending up, once again, in Bosnia.

· Route “Z” (the “Green Route”) starts from the mostly Muslim-populated southern Bulgaria. Muslims there generally have pure Slavic names, since the former People’s Socialist State of Bulgaria forced them to change their Islamic names and turn atheist. Most of them formally complied, but remained fiercely loyal to their Muslim heritage. The Green Route then goes through the Macedonian Kumanovo region to a Regrouping Center (RC) in Presevo, Serbia. The Green Route is actually a major communications “Highway” from Turkey to central Bosnia. (In Bosnia it is known as “Zetra” (an acronym from Serbo-Croat “Zelena transverzala”, the Green Route). It is a major land link that the Balkan Muslims have tried for decades to make ethnically exclusively their own, to ensure a pan-Islamic salient into Europe. That is why ethnic Albanians in Serbia tried so hard to make the “Presevo Valley,” as well as the Macedonian Kumanovo region, ethnically purely Albanian, and to join them to the Serbian Raska region (the “Sanjak”), which would, via the Muslim enclave of Gorazde in Bosnia, ensure a continual land connection with the Middle East. A critical point in their plans is the Serb-populated Northern Kosovska Mitrovica, which explains their persistent attempts to gain that city and the surrounding area, and to ethnically cleanse its Serbs. In this strategy of introducing Islamic fundamentalism into Europe, the Serb regions of Kosovo and Metohija (known merely as “Kosovo” to the West) play a crucial role. Without that region and a Muslim-dominated “Sanjak,” there can be no Albanian Connection, or the Green Route.

· Route “D” (the “Dubrovnik Route”) is used less often. It goes from the coastal city of Dubrovnik in Croatia, across the frontier crossing Debeli Brijeg into Montenegro, and is conveniently masked as a commercial smuggling route between Croatia and the Republic of Srpska. The “R” Route (the “Rijeka Connection”) is used only in cases of well-organized logistics support in Croatia, for the direct transport of terrorists into Europe.

Which of these routes will be used depends on the time of the year and the weather, since many routes are either unusable or very difficult to negotiate in winter. For terrorist activities, the availability of a territory continuously populated with Muslims, which can be transversed on foot without any documents or surveillance is crucial. This is of special importance for suicide bombers or professional assassins. Also, these ethnically-cleansed, Muslim territories are used for setting up supply dumps and training camps, where terrorist can be trained in the use of explosives, advanced weapons systems, and other special forces skills and crafts. These territories also serve as “Waiting Centers” for the opening of other routes into central Europe, or merely as safe havens, where further activities may be organized at the terrorists’ discretion. These Centers are controlled by various terrorist organizations closely linked with the local ruling political structures and militant religious Islamic networks. All these systems and initiatives are additionally fortified by the ideology of “higher national and religious goals.”

In the Regrouping Centers (RCs), the White Al Qaida recruits its fighters and operatives, counting on their European (Caucasian) features to facilitate their role as logistics support for its war against the West. The White Al Qaida plans to use the already well-established drug and weapons smuggling routes to confuse Western intelligence services concerning the true nature of its activities. That is, these services have to determine whether they are facing petty commercial smuggling, drugs or human trafficking, or a major logistics operation for a terrorist strike against Western targets. At the moment, some 500 Wahabis (Islamic fundamentalists practicing the official Saudi Arabian version of Islam) are using these centers to provide ideological instruction to the local Muslims. The efficacy of their efforts may be attested by the fact that, among others, Osama Bin Laden is a Wahabi. A further insight into the problem may be gained by knowing that 1/3 of all criminal inmates in Swiss jails are ethnic Albanians, sentenced mostly for drug trafficking, so it is fair to expect the White Al Qaida to use their infrastructure and their intricate network of drugs, human, and weapons smuggling throughout the EU. The situation is further aggravated by its marriage of religious and nationalistic agendas to billions of dollars of dirty money.

For decades, these well-developed routes of drug trafficking into the EU have been going mostly through Croatia and Slovenia, so that these states can offer the terrorists a well-developed logistics structure. In view of the extremely close relationship between the Albanians and Bosnian Muslims with the Croats and Slovenes in their struggle against Serbia, as well as their recent cooperation in dismembering the former Yugoslavia, it is easy to imagine the quantity of interpersonal smuggling connections and interests still mutually profitable. In short, once in Bosnia, the Islamic fundamentalists and militants are just a step from central Europe.
Unfortunately, terrorists have been provided almost unlimited comfort and support by the very countries and administrations having the most trouble with them today. It is common knowledge that certain German intelligence networks and services gave special forces training to bogus Albanian political asylum seekers as early as 1990, and still maintain their instruction teams in Albania proper. American services began training the Croats, then the Bosnian Muslims, without ever having stopped training the Albanians in Albania. Also active in this line of work were the British, Turks, Austrians, Hungarians... Added to this were the activities of several hundred “retired” Western generals, military officers, special forces and intelligence instructors, to make it even harder to determine who trained whom, and for what purposes.

Recently, a statement made by the Director of the International Strategic Studies Institute, Gregory Copley, made a splash in Washington, but was quickly “sanitized”. Copley said that one of the sixteen American intelligence services still trained terrorists in Albania and spirited them over the border into Kosovo and the Serbian Raska region. Copley stated then that he had proof of connections between Albanian terrorists and the Al Qaida. General P. M. Gallois, the French expert, in his analyses of the Balkan situation, said that the US, Germany and Turkey had armed the ethnic Albanian terrorists, promising them independence. Many international experts and analysts have written of this. It is well known that Bin Laden is a native of Saudi Arabia, and that he still has substantial assets in that country, whereas Saudi Arabia itself is a major financier of numerous Islamic fundamentalist militants and terrorists throughout the world.

That country is financially aiding the Palestinian Hamas, the Egyptian Gama, the Algerian Fis, the Bosnian SDA, the ethnic Albanian UCK and ANA... The money is channeled through the Organization for Islamic Charity, Beit el-Zakat, the Alliance for Islamic Reform and numerous humanitarian organizations. In Germany, ethnic Albanian political activist, Bujar Bukoshi, has been active for years, and his rich compatriot, Bedxet Pacolli, has been organizing ethnic Albanian sedition in various Balkan states from his homes in Switzerland and Italy... They and many others have been extremely effective in gathering financial aid for their brethren Albanians in Serbia and Montenegro, Macedonia, and even Greece, without their host countries showing any disturbance at their endeavor.

All these facts are well and widely known, yet official US and EU policy has not changed significantly. Everything is still being officially denied or kept under wraps. International terrorism is still being viewed through a variety of political angles, so that some of its manifestations are regarded as desirable, whereas others are decried. Unfortunately, through their nefarious and mistaken calculations, many have been instrumental in creating this monster that has gotten out of control. Spain has been the first European country to pay a high price for supporting such policies. In Kosovo itself, March 17th of this year saw an explosion of terrorism, downplayed by the Western media as “ethnic violence”. Unfortunately, “ethnic violence” involves two sides, whereas the Kosovo outburst involved only one: ethnic Albanians murdering and burning Serbs in their homes and churches. How many more victims are to share the Kosovo Serbs’ fate, and how many more European cities have to be savaged like Madrid, before US and EU realize what they have unleashed with their actions in Bosnia and Kosovo?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Wrap - Kosovo declares independence, protests from Serbia, Russia

PRISTINA, February 17 (RIA Novosti) - Belgrade and Moscow reacted angrily to Kosovo's Western-backed unilateral declaration of independence on Sunday as the region remained braced for clashes between Serbs and ethnic Albanians.

"We have waited for this day for a very long time," Kosovan Prime Minister Hashim Thaci told a packed parliament at the start of an emergency session called on Sunday afternoon to, as he said, "take decisions on the future of our nation."

He said the new state would be "proud, independent and free."

Both Thaci and Kosovan President Fatmir Sejdiu pledged that the new state would respect the rights of all ethnic groups. Thaci also said that Kosovo was a unique case, and that it should not set a precedent for other secessionist regions.

The vote for independence was unanimously passed with a show of hands.

There were celebrations across Kosovo following the declaration, as thousands of people poured onto the streets of what is now, notwithstanding opposition from Serbia and Belgrade, among others, the world's newest state.


Both Belgrade and Moscow reacted angrily to the declaration of independence by Kosovo.
Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica said that it "violates international order," and that Kosovo was a "false state."

"Kosovo will forever remain a part of Serbia," he said. "We do not recognize the forceful creation of this false state. We must support our countrymen in Kosovo."

"As long as the Serb people exist, Kosovo will be Serbia," he went on. Belgrade has ruled out the use of force to retake Kosovo, however.

Serbia's main ally, Russia, immediately called for emergency UN Security Council consultations on the issue. Moscow is deeply opposed to the unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo. It has said that it contradicts international law, and sets a dangerous precedent for other secessionist regions.

The UN Security Council meeting called by Russia is due to be held at 6:00 p.m. GMT on Sunday.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence could lead to new conflicts in the Balkans.

"The decision of the leaders of Kosovo is fraught [with the danger of] an escalation in tensions and ethnic violence in the province, and new conflicts in the Balkans," the ministry announced on its website.

A Kremlin spokesman called the declaration "illegitimate" on Russia's Vesti TV channel.
Russia, which has consistently maintained that independence for Kosovo contradicts UN Resolution 1244 on territorial integrity, also called on the UN and NATO to annul the declaration of sovereignty.


NATO peacekeeping troops are on alert, ready to deal with any clashes between ethnic Albanians and Serbs in the flashpoint town of Mitrovica, in northern Kosovo.
A short time before the declaration of independence, Kosovo police stopped hundreds of Serbian reservists who had attempted to cross into the then-Serbian province to protest its breakaway from Belgrade.

U.S. President George Bush, currently on a week-long tour of Africa, said in Tanzania before the declaration that, "The United States will continue to work with our allies to the very best we can to make sure there's no violence."

"We are heartened by the fact that the Kosovo government has clearly proclaimed its willingness and its desire to support Serbian rights in Kosovo," he went on.

The EU also called for calm. "We appeal to all parties in Kosovo and in the wider region to remain calm and not to respond to any provocation," said EU spokesman Jens Mester. "The international community will not tolerate violent action in Kosovo."

The European Union has given its final approval for sending a civilian and police mission to Kosovo to replace the current UN mission, diplomatic sources in Brussels said on Saturday.


Russia has hinted that it may now recognize Georgia's breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

"The declaration of sovereignty by Kosovo and its recognition will undoubtedly be taken into account in [Russia's] relations with Abkhazia and South Ossetia," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Friday.

Georgia, however, does not intend to recognize Kosovo's independence, and the issue is not on the agenda, a parliamentary spokesman for the former Soviet republic has said.

He said Georgia was more concerned by Russia's stance on South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

"The issue is not on the agenda. We care about the future of our territories," he said. "We will wait and see what Russia does concerning Abkhazia and South Ossetia."

South Ossetia and Abkhazia declared independence from Georgia following bloody conflicts in the wake of the Soviet Union's 1991 collapse.

Kosovo has been a UN protectorate since the NATO bombing of the former Yugoslavia ended a conflict between Albanian and Serb forces in 1999.

Serbia calls on OSCE to denounce Kosovo's unilateral decision

VIENNA, February 19 (RIA Novosti) - The Serbian foreign minister called on the Permanent Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to condemn Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence on Tuesday.

Kosovo authorities unilaterally declared independence on February 17. The U.S., the U.K., France, Germany, Australia, Turkey and Italy have so far recognized Kosovo, while Russia and Spain have condemned the move and refused to acknowledge the Serbian province.

"We are calling for the unilateral illegal declaration of independence by Pristina from the Republic of Serbia to be denounced," Vuk Jeremic said at an emergency session of the OSCE Permanent Council, which assembled on Serbia's initiative.

The minister said that Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence poses "a serious threat to European security," and that OSCE's principles were "shaken down to the basics by this decision."

"Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence from Serbia contradicts the UN Charter and UN Security Council Resolution 1244...," the minister said.

The resolution gave the UN the authority to administer Kosovo, which has been a UN protectorate since the NATO bombing of the former Yugoslavia ended a conflict between Albanian and Serb forces in 1999.

The minister also reiterated Belgrade's readiness to continue diplomatic talks with Pristina on the issue.

"At any time, at any place and by any means we are ready to begin talks with Pristina's authorities to reach a mutually acceptable solution on the future status of our southern province. But we cannot give them sovereignty," the minister said.

The news of Kosovo's declaration was met with street riots in Belgrade. Gangs of youths protesting against the secession of Kosovo fought running battles with riot police all night, with 47 people reported injured. Symbols of 'Americanism,' including two fast food restaurants, were also reported to have been attacked by protestors.

A hand grenade was thrown at a UN court building in the mainly Serb northern Kosovan town of Mitrovica on Sunday night as Albanians celebrated independence in the south of the town.

Kosovo: Key Dates in the Century Long Goal to Create Greater Albania

Key facts about Kosovo's Islamic Albanian minority of Serbia and the century long drive by Islamic extremists to exterminate Kosovo Serbs from that region:

1389---Muslims defeat Christian Serb defenders in Kosovo, depopulate the area and invite mountain tribe of Albanians, in exchange for converting to Islam, to take over pillaged land from Serbs.

1594---Sinan Pasha, an ethnic Albanian, who was a commander in the Ottoman Turkish Empire, burned the relics of St. Sava at Vracar, Belgrade. St. Sava is the Saint that brought Serbs into Christianity.

1878---Albanian nationalist leaders meet in Prizren, known as the First League of Prizren, to announce the creation of a Greater Albania, which will include all areas settled by Albanians, including Kosovo-Metohija, western Macedonia, known as Illirida, southern Montenegro, and northern Greece, Chameria. This is when the Kosovo or “Kosova” separatist agenda starts.

1878---Ottoman Turkish forces put down Albanian insurgency to create a Greater Albania. This was the first attempt to create an Albanian “Kosova” by an insurgency or by military force. A century later, another Greater Albania insurgency would have NATO and US backing.

1900-1918---Austria-Hungary and Italy are sponsors of a Greater Albania and support Albanian expansion in the Balkans, at the expense of Serbia.

1912---Albanian ultranationalists seize Skopje in Macedonia as part of a Greater Albania.

1920---After borders of “Jugoslavia” are legally settled under international law and recognized by the League of Nations, Albanian separatists launch a terrorist insurgency in “Kosova”, murdering Serbian civilians and police. This is known as the “kachak movement” and is the start of Albanian attempts to take over “Kosova” by military or armed force.

1941---Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini invade, occupy, and dismember Yugoslavia. They make “Kosova” a part of a Greater Albania under Mustafa Kruja. Western Macedonia is also made a part of Greater Albania by Hitler and Mussolini.

1941-1944---“Kosova” is made “independent” and part of a Greater Albania by Adolf Hitler. This is when Albanian ultra-nationalists realized their goal to create a Greater Albania and an independent Kosova under Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

1943---The Second League of Prizren, sponsored and established by Nazi Germany, reaffirms the commitment to create and maintain an independent “Kosova” and a Greater Albania under Nazi sponsorship. Later, the US and EU would replace Nazi Germany as the sponsor of Greater Albania.

1944---Albanians create a Nazi Waffen SS Division, Skanderbeg, made up mostly of Kosovo Albanian Muslims, “Kosovars”. These Albanian Muslim Nazi SS troops murder thousands of Kosovo Serbian Christians and drive thousands of other Kosovo Serbs out of Kosovo.

1944---Kosovo Albanian Muslims play a role in the Holocaust, the murder of European Jews. The Albanian “Kosovar” Skanderbeg Nazi SS Division rounds up Kosovo Jews who are sent to the Nazi concentration camp at Bergen Belsen where they are killed.

1948---The U.S. brings Midhat Frasheri, the leader of the Nazi/fascist Balli Kombetar, National Front, whose goal is a Greater Albania that includes Kosovo, and other wanted Albanian “Kosovar” war criminals, such as Xhafer Deva and Hassan Dosti, to the U.S. to form anti-Communist forces for the takeover of Albania. The U.S. put the Communist regime in power in Albania then sought to overthrow it by means of “regime change”.

1951---The U.S. organizes and launches Operation Fiend, one of the first experiments in “regime change” in Albania. Frank Wisner is one of the leaders of the project. His son would lead the efforts in 2006 to create a Greater Albania, an independent “Kosova”, which his father failed to achieve.

1968---Albanian separatism in Kosovo emerges. Closer tries with Albania are established.

1969---Kosovo Albanians begin closer ties with Tirana and begin importing textbooks and teachers from Albania and create their own Albanian school system and university. The “Albanianization” of Kosovo begins.

1974---The Communist dictator Josip Broz Tito changes the Yugoslav constitution giving Kosovo Albanians control of Kosovo. Albanians control every area of Kosovo from the police to teachers to judges.

1981---Albanians in Kosovo demand independence or secession from Yugoslavia. They demand to be a Republic which is code for independent or a part of Albania. They demand: “We Want a Unified Albania!” Dozens are killed in separatist riots. Serbian Patriarchate in Pec is burned down but no one knows how or why.

1982---British historian Nora Beloff notes that “ethnic cleansing” originated in Kosovo when Albanian Muslims killed or drove off Serbs. Albanians begin terror campaign of ethnic cleansing against Kosovo Serbs. From 1981-1989, an estimated 20,000 Kosovo Serbs are driven out of Kosovo by Albanian ultranationalists.

1982---Ethnically motivated murders of Kosovo Serbs begin with the murders of Kosovo Serbs Danilo Milincic and Miodrag Saric.

1985---Kosovo Serb Djorje Martinovic is “found with a broken bottle up his anus.” Albanian attackers sodomized him to force him out of the province to create an ethnically pure Kosova. US media claims that Martinovic was a closet homosexual who injured himself. The brutal sodomy of Martinovic inflames passions in the rest of Serbia.

1987---Fadil Hoxha, leader of Kosovo Albanians, advocates that Albanian Muslims rape Kosovo Serb women.

1989---Murders, rapes, desecration of Kosovo Serbian property, churches, and cemeteries forces Serbian government to rescind “autonomy” that Communist dictatorship created.

1991---Albanian separatists respond by proclaiming Kosovo a republic, which is tantamount to independence, which is recognized only by neighboring Albania. Albanian separatists gain sponsorship of a Greater Albania by contributing money to Thomas Lantos, Robert Dole, and Joe Biden. The U.S. becomes the sponsor of Greater Albania.

1996---A violent and armed terrorist and separatist group emerges, the KLA/UCK, whose goal is to create a Greater Albania, an independent “Kosova”. KLA begins killing Kosovo Serb civilians and police. Dozens of Yugoslav policemen, Serbs and Albanians, are brutally murdered by the KLA.

April, 1998---95 percent of the Yugoslav population rejected international mediation on Kosovo in a referendum. The so-called Balkan Contact Group imposed new international sanctions against Yugoslavia even though the decision was by a majority of the Yugoslav population, that is, was democratically determined.

July-August, 1998---The KLA separatists takes over 40 percent of Kosovo by force, by killing Yugoslav police and driving Kosovo Serbs out. The KLA terrorist groups are well-armed and supplied. The U.S. is one of the backers of the KLA separatists or terrorists.

1998---US State Department declares the KLA separatists are “terrorists”. US media dismisses the pronouncement.

1998---US media dismiss the fact that the Kosovo conflict is an illegal land grab, a separatist, ethnic war to create a Greater Albania. Instead, the US media concoct a deception that the conflict is about “greater rights” and “genocide”, when it is about Greater Albania, an independent, ethnically pure “Kosova”.

October, 1998---NATO plans airstrikes against Yugoslav targets, which would later include hospitals, nursing homes, passenger trains, TV stations, power grids, factories, and busses. Many of these attacks are war crimes under international law.

January 15, 1999---A “massacre” is manufactured in Racak by the US media and government. In fact, those killed were KLA separatists who had murdered Serbian policemen and had been killed in combat against Yugoslav police.

February, 1999---At a staged peace conference at Rambouillet, the US demands that Serbia allow Kosovo to become an independent nation after three years and that US and NATO troops be allowed to occupy Serbia. The US diktat was meant to force a war which the U.S. had long been planning. Rambouillet was a transparent sham.

March, 1999---Yugoslavia’s democratically elected leaders reject the US peace deal as tantamount to dismemberment and military occupation, unacceptable to a sovereign state.

March 24, 1999---NATO launched air strikes against Yugoslavia for 78 days, killing thousands of Serbian civilians. The KLA and U.S. advisers create a fake humanitarian catastrophe by telling and even forcing Kosovo Albanians to flee into Albania and Macedonia Yugoslav forces are falsely blamed for driving out Albanians. The U.S. scores a huge propaganda success with images of refugees.

June 10, 1999---NATO forces Slobodan Milosevic to withdraw Yugoslav forces from Kosovo and to allow NATO to occupy it. NATO occupies Kosovo.

June 12, 1999---After 50,000 NATO peacekeepers begin deployment in Kosovo, over 200,000 Kosovo Serbs, Roma, Gorani, and Jews are forced out of Kosovo by Albanians. Thousands of Kosovo Serbs are murdered by Albanians as NATO takes control of the province. Over 150 Serbian Orthodox Churches would be destroyed by Albanian Muslims protected by NATO troops.

March, 2004---March Pogroms: Albanians attack the last remaining Kosovo Serbs to drive them out of the province to create an ethnically pure Shqip Kosova.

October, 2006---Serbia held a referendum and approved a new constitution which declared that Kosovo was an integral part of Serbia. This decision had the support of the majority of the population of Serbia, that is, was democratically determined

January 21, 2007---Serbia held parliamentary elections where the Radical Party won the most votes, although not enough votes to form a new government.

April, 2007---Russia rejected the Marti Ahtisaari proposal in the U.N. Security Council because it violated Serbian sovereignty by supporting Albanian separatism.

June, 2007---U.S. President George W. Bush claimed that Kosovo had to be independent "sooner rather than later." This is an issue for the UN to be decided under international law, however, not a decision for the President of the U.S.

August, 2007---Envoys from the U.S., EU and Russia began 120 days of further negotiations between Albanian separatists and the Serbian government in order to reach an agreement. No agreement was forthcoming because the only “agreement” the U.S. was pushing was an independent “Kosova”. There was nothing to negotiate about. The negotiations were a sham and a hoax.

December, 2007---Albanian separatist efforts fail at the U.N. The U.S. and Albanian goal is then to unilaterally declare independence outside of international law and the UN Charter, which is illegal and violates the sovereignty of Serbia and denies the will of the majority of Serbs. The majority of the Serbian population rejects the secession of Kosovo by Albanian separatists. This decision is reached by means of the democratic process.

February, 2008---Having failed to achieve their separatist agenda through international law and in the U.N., the U.S. switched gears and told the Albanian separatists to unilaterally declare an independent “Kosova”. This is an illegal act which violates all international norms and conventions and laws. The U.S. reliance is on military force only. The illegal measure is justified by force only.